NAD and Me

I have been living with a chronic condition for almost my entire life. It affects every aspect of my life, whether it is my mood, energy, quality of sleep, cognitive skills, or worse…my relationships. I have been on so many medications, and still, nothing made a difference. Most of the time I just felt hopeless, depressed, and anxious, just hoping that doctors would find something that would help.

But then I heard about NAD+ therapy.

NAD is usually paired with ketamine to treat several mental health disorders. However, the ridiculously high prices of ketamine therapy keeping so many people away from life-changing results didn’t seem fair to me. But, with the expansion of ketamine clinics and their use for depression, anxiety, and PTSD therapy, more people are also becoming aware of NAD+. And they are also learning that NAD+ can make just as much of an impact when taken by itself.

So, what is NAD+? The straightforward answer is that it is a coenzyme (just like biotin for your hair and nails, or others) that is derived from vitamin B3 and is essential for so many functions in the body. NAD helps your body produce energy, repair your DNA, regulate hormones, and more importantly, it protects the brain from stress and damage.

No, it’s not a magic pill that will make all of life’s problems disappear, but you’ll feel much better and more poised to take on whatever challenge is in front of you.

That said, NAD levels decline as we age due to several factors such as illnesses, substance abuse, and just simply aging. As our levels decline, some people begin suffering from chronic conditions such as fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, and the other mental health issues.

In order to get your body’s NAD levels back to normal and get your body back working as it should, undergoing intravenous infusions of NAD+, or taking oral supplements (or in some case both) is where I started, and it’s made a complete difference in my life.

While it has been used for decades to help people detox from alcohol and drugs, it is now being used more and more for its anti-aging and wellness benefits, and I couldn’t be happier for it.

Speaking of how I started, it was because of my own studies and research, along with conversations with medical professionals, that convinced me to finally give NAD+ therapy a try.

I contacted a wellness company that offers NAD+ therapy as part of a comprehensive program. However, what I learned was that they weren’t really interested in my condition, or in coming up with a personalized plan that was tailor made for my body’s individual needs. It was disheartening to see that they were in business just to make the sale.

What I had hoped for was a complete personalized plan for me. How hard can that be? A plan that included NAD+ along with aminos, vitamins, and other supportive therapies based on my body. While I’m at it, I also hoped that they would have consulted with me about proper nutrition, exercise, and stress management, but again, I was disappointed.

This is exactly why I started YOURxHealth.

Our goal is to get you feeling like the best possible version of yourself. Since I’ve been on my own personal NAD+ therapy program, I can honestly say that it has changed my life. Even after the first dose, I felt a type of energy and clarity that I had not experienced in years. I feel more alert and focused, my motivation is back, and my mood is better overall too.

But the best part of these effects is that they last. I’ll repeat that again. They last.

Not only do they last, but the benefits of NAD+ actually increase over time.

If you are suffering from a chronic condition, or if you simply want to become the best version of yourself, I urge you to consider NAD+ therapy. It is a safe and natural way to boost your body’s ability to both heal and regenerate.

So many of us suffer from all kinds of illnesses. I want you to understand you’re not alone. I do too. And it was because I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired that I started NAD+ therapy (and this business!) in the first place.

To learn more about YOURxHealth and NAD+, please contact us at [PLACEHOLDER]. Our medical professionals are able to answer all of your questions and concerns as part of a free consultation.

If you tell them I sent you, there may even be a special discount waiting for you at checkout.

Please don’t wait any longer. I waited too long, and I regret that, but now I want all of you to feel as amazing as I do. Take your first step towards a healthier and happier life today.

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